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Selectmen Minutes 01/30/2007

Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 30, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  

SUBJECT: Budget Hearing preparation
PRESENT: Mr. Doug Hall; Moderator
The Selectmen and the Moderator discussed aspects of the proposed budget that they felt may be topics of discussion at the budget hearing.   The warrant article anticipated to generate the most discussion is the reconstruction of Center Road.   Most important to all is the impact the budget will have on the tax rate.

SUBJECT: Building Permit Waiting List
PRESENT: Mr. Dumont

Mr. Dumont came to the Board seeking a letter from the Town stating he is on the waiting list for a building permit for 2008.  Mr. Dumont’s financing company is requesting this documentation.  The Board directed Lisa to inform the Building Inspector to send a letter to Priority Title on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Dumont.  

SUBJECT: Light Trespass from Meyer’s RV
PRESENT: Mr. & Mrs. Conway; Concerned lighting group- Kate & Doug Hall, Linda Rauter and Kate Ruoff

Mr. & Mrs. Conway explained to the Selectmen that there is an increase in the glare from the floodlights at Meyer’s RV since repairs were made after a power outage last November. The Conway’s live directly across Route 4 from Meyers RV.  Mrs. Conway expressed that the lights are now so bright that she doesn’t need to turn on the lights in her living room. “It is like a full moon all the time.”  The light is glaring into the property.  The light fixtures are not shielded.

Mrs. Conway called Meyer’s and spoke to the General Manager, Doug who stated he has noticed the lights are brighter but they are in compliance with the Town’s zoning.  He went on to explain the ballast was replaced but they did not install a new light fixture.  Meyer’s is a grandfathered business as far as the original light ordinance but it was not clear the date of the expansion of the dealership and the updated lighting ordinance.  The Board will need to research the dates.  

The Selectmen will contact Meyer’s RV and request a meeting with the Board to discuss any lighting changes or work that may have taken place.   In similar cases, the Board has made a policy to contact the owner seeking cooperation.

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January 30, 2007

Chairman MacCleery informed the homeowners they have a right to go to the Board of Adjustment stating the light trespass has created a nuisance.

Discussed was the fact that the Board of Selectmen needs to have the ability to measure light trespass.  The Town does not own a meter, nor is the building inspector trained in such measuring.  Perhaps this could be a function of the Town’s engineer.  

Mrs. Conway requested the Selectmen educate the business owner on the ordinance when their meeting takes place with the Board.

Mr. Hall stated their needs to be a distinction in the zoning between the Site Review process and what happens later.  The Board of Selectmen is the authority who enforces the zoning ordinances.

SUBJECT: Corrections to the Zoning Ordinances
PRESENT: Mr. Chris Weir

Mr. Weir has been working on correcting the zoning ordinances, creating a master copy because discrepancies exist between the documents given out at the town offices, what’s on-line and between the planning board members themselves.  Chris has researched past ballots all the way back to when zoning was first voted on in the town.  His document indicates when each article was passed and amended if applicable. The document was reviewed and format was discussed.  Chris also created a master copy for each year.  Mr. Weir would like the Board to proof his work and give him the Board’s blessing to accept this as the master zoning copy.  

Selectman DeBold could not say enough about how well this has been done but stressed the need for peer review before the Selectmen could approve it as the master.

The Board advised Mr. Weir to bring the document to the Planning Board first for the members to read and proof.  Once the Planning Board gives its approval, the Selectmen will give the document final acceptance.

SUBJECT: Conservation Commission
PRESENT: M. Bob Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews

Mr. Mann had three items to discuss with the Board this evening.  First, the commission is in need of a secretary.  Ms. Volatto has resigned from the commission; no other member is interested in assuming those responsibilities.  The Selectmen must have this in writing before they can appoint someone to replace her on the commission. Hourly rate and number of hours was discussed. The commission estimates 50 hours per year and $11/per hour for a starting secretary.  A higher rate may be required if the applicant is a current employee already working at a higher rate. The Board offered some names of
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January 30, 2007

potential people who may be interested in the position.  Mr. Mann will contact them before placing an ad in the newspaper.  This new expense will need to be added to the proposed budget.

Mr. Mann discussed the letter of intent drafted by the commission, between Mr. Cavacco and the Town, the first step in rebuilding a new dam on Marsh Pond.  Part of the package includes an easement and the agreement for both parties to be involved in the maintenance level of the pond. The joint maintenance refers to the Town owning the dam.  If the dam is privately owned, the Town of Chichester can determine the water levels.  Chairman MacCleery posed the question of what is the Town’s liability if the Town owns the dam. The commission is seeking the Selectmen’s approval and signatures tonight.  The Board was not in favor of signing the letter of intent until the town attorney has reviewed it. The Selectmen have to be very careful of what if anything, they are committing the Town to.  Mr. Mann will prepare a cover letter to send along with these documents to town counsel.  

Finally, the commission is seeking direction for the next step in the overall plan for Carpenter Park now that the survey has been completed.  The commission is requesting a joint meeting with the Recreation Commission.  A meeting will be arranged after Town meeting in March.


The Board directed Lisa to contact Brown Engineering to request a recordable Mylar of the Carpenter Park survey.  

Final edits were made to the Farm Lease.  The Selectmen will decide the next step after the public hearing.

Lisa discussed a request from the building inspector, Mr. Dave Paveglio, for review by the attorney, of the waiting list schedule; procedures being followed for awarding permits, and his overall interpretation of adherence to the ordinance.  The Selectmen concurred with Mr. Paveglio that he is following the proper procedure and has a solid record of the waiting applicants for each year. The Board determined no further review is needed at this time.  The two permits that expired last year have not been issued due to pending cases with the Board of Adjustment.
The Selectmen denied a request for use of the Grange Hall by a non-resident for a Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party.  This is a standing policy for non-resident requests.

The new curtain has been hung in the main hall of the Grange.  The Stage doors must be kept open to circulate the heat to properly maintain the integrity of the curtain.

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January 30, 2007

The Selectmen’s Office has received another call from Maxfield’s requesting payment of the overdue invoices.  As of today, the office has not received the bills for payment from the Fire Chief.  The Board directed Lisa to pay the Maxfield’s bills and to contact Sanels regarding the overdue invoices due them from the Fire Department.  

The Board directed Lisa to remind the Road Agent that a road sign is needed for Meetinghouse Road.

To complete an outstanding housecleaning item, Chairman MacCleery made the motion to approve the increase from five members of the Recreation Commission to seven, now that an official request has been received from the Recreation Commission.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

The Selectmen agreed to meet at six next Tuesday evening for final review of the budget and warrant prior to the public hearing commencing.

A decision on the Federal Surplus purchase is needed. Motion Chairman MacCleery at 10:40pm, to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3 II (c) where matters which discussed in public, would likely adversely affect the reputation of any person. Seconded by Selectman Colbert.  Chairman MacCleery called for the vote.  Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Motion Chairman MacCleery, second by Selectman DeBold to close the non-public session.  Chairman MacCleery called for the vote.  Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Motion by Chairman MacCleery and seconded by Selectman DeBold to seal the minutes of the non-public session for ten (10) years.  Chairman MacCleery called for the vote.  Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

The Board decided to have Selectman DeBold meet with town counsel regarding the non-public matter.

Selectman DeBold was at the library on Monday, January 29th.  The repair work to the handicap ramp has not been done.  The Board directed Lisa to write a memo to the Road Agent directing him to address the safety issue at the library immediately.  

Lisa has spoken to the Road Agent regarding the Board’s request for a commitment to complete the landscaping at the library.  The Road Agent gave a timeline of June 1st.  The Board agreed to have the highway department complete the work instead of submitting a warrant article for the funding.  Lisa will contact the Library Trustees with this decision.

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January 30, 2007

The Selectmen need to fill the vacancy on the Board of Adjustment.  Selectman DeBold will speak to a potential candidate seeking his interest.  In the meantime, the Board of
Adjustment may vote to move an alternate member to a voting member, and then the appointment needed would be for an alternate.

The Board discussed Selectman DeBold’s request to include the Road Advisory Committee’s final report in the town report.  The Selectmen agreed to include it.  

All mail and correspondence was reviewed.

Payroll and accounts payable was signed.

The minutes of January 23, 2007, both sessions were approved as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:30pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN
__________________________                              2/6/2007
Richard DeBold

Board of Selectmen
Town of Chichester